So You Want a discount for this cb inner circle??
This will launch 3rd Dec
So another marketer is going to launch yet another ebook. "Clickbank inner circle" by Chris Freville the author of Sneaky Affiliate Cheat Read My Sneaky Affiliate Cheat Review Here is going to go into launch from the 28th Nov so expect a lot of mail about this as there are a lot of top guys behind this.
Why so many people behind this already?
Well this is because all 6 of the top names below helped Chris create it.
Alex Goad
Chris McNeeney
Rob Benwell
Eric Rockefeller
Craig Beckta
Mike Merz
You know it's going to be a cracker of a read with all those guys on board.
What's Clickbank inner circle all about.
C.B.I.C. is aimed at two large and hungry groups of buyers.
a) Informed Newbies - That's the name Chris came up with to describe buyers who keep reading, but who've never implemented a plan. For them, this package holds promise of them starting out with a huge edge! And that edge is real and proven in the sales letter.
b) Novice Marketers - Those who have implemented some of what they've learned in the past. Those who have been on the brink of success, but never quite reached it...
C.B.I.C. not only helps them stop making the same mistakes they've been making. but it gives them enough about each aspect of their marketing to start ea.rning money right away, and make even more in no time.
Internet marketing is just like a high school
You start as a freshman with high hopes. You think somehow just being in high school is going to change your life in so many positive ways. You even hear others say it. They talk of how great things are going to be for you, once you get there.
Then two weeks in you realize it's just harder work, less help and a bunch of upper classmen only want to make the experience nearly impossible for you.
Many starting out marketing online run into those same feelings. You begin with all those promises of wealth in your head "Make a million in your pajamas. Sleep all day and earn thousands. Quit your dayjob and get rich!"
Then you show up only to find harder work no safety net and a bunch of "upper classmen" who want to make the experience nearly impossible for you.
The freshmen get screwed no matter if it's high school or business. That's the way it was for me when I started out marketing and that's probably how it has been for you.
Does this ring a bell?
This product so called clickbank inner circle is totally different from other products.It is like a principal of a school which has the ability and responsibility to take care of his school.If you take part in the program then you becomes the student of the academy and the principal take care of you.
This brand-new system takes you from where you are right this minute to seasoned, big-ticket marketer in record time.
It literally speeds you through your education in an easy, quick and simple manner.
Imagine going from grade one all the way to University in the blink of an eye.
It's like the real money version of that Adam Sandler movie, "Billy Madison!"
The system shows you how to instantly propel yourself past your competition, into the biggest, most powerful clique in marketing
Clickbank Inner Circle Discount Details - Don't get left behind
Clickbank Inner Circle on Squidoo
Clickbank Inner Circle Discount Details - Incase you missed the first link :-)
Technorati Tags:
internet marketing, affiliate program, home business
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Clickbank Inner Circle - 30% Discount
Posted by
James Howard
11:15 PM
Labels: cb inner circle bonus, clickbank inner circle, clickbank inner circle discount, clickbank marketing
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Adwords Revelation - The Real Secrets
It all started back in April of last year.
It only took one single Adwords campaign to change the lives of 8 students, that's exactly why I am writing this message to you today. A couple of months pass and the product is on every marketers lip. Many wonder how it happened...
That was last year in April.
In august, the author emerges again, this time taking 8 more students with him, then disappearing underground with no trace. Within the first two weeks, word on the forums and blogs was that Several of those students were making as much as $200 per day within a few weeks.
The industry blew up and gurus were panicking.And everyone thought that it all ended there.
But, they never knew it was only the beginning.The author sends a mass email out asking for8 more students, within hours he receives thousands ofapplications. He shifts through them one by one andcarefully selects the 8.
Again, he disappears underground. Many of the students before they met him were barely making any money as affiliates. Within the first 30 days, they emerge as "Super Affiliates".
Some earning as much as $500/day. The test was done, the methods were able to help broke affiliates become super affiliates within weeks. The industry was shook.
The super affiliates were scared, the gurus couldn't sleep.
Apparently the guide would specifically address the problemsaffiliates have in 2008. AND it would be backed up by PROOF and an assortment of step-by-step methods.
This guide was so powerful that many gurus personally warn him not to release it. But what about the *truth* - do you want to know what I really think?
Well, the guide has just gone live, and its called "Adwords Revelation".
I got my hands on a pre-launch copy last week: and when it's all said and done, ...was it worth waiting 9 months for?
Let me put it this way: it may possibly be the missing link for100,000 ClickBank affiliates, and 200,000 Adwords users.
Let me explain what I mean by that...
Specifically, if you have either lost money on Adwords, or failedto sell products through ClickBank, this guide will explain exactlywhy.
It has worked on the 8 affiliates he tested it on, and itCAN do the same for you.
If you can't wait to check it out, click here:
Visit Adwords Revelation
But first let me warn you,
Success apparently comes at a cost: the guide is NOT pleasant in fact it's devious at times, many consider it black hat techniques used by the big players in the game.
The gurus couldn't believe that one of their own was selling them out.
It includes techniques like:
how to steal the Adwords campaigns from ANY advertiser (even the big players), underbid them and do it in themost devious way possible. All explained in step-by-step detail.
Learn how to "level" the play field with any guru, take his customers from under his nose and usethem to build your own laser-targeted list of buyers. And make $100 per day from a $10 ad spend. This one is insane, and its going to piss off a lot of gurus when they learn about it.
One more thing: *each* method includes real lifeexamples; all of which have been tested on "average and broke" affiliates by the author personally.
Remember, you heard it from me first: Adwords Revelation is going to set thousands of broke and average affiliates financially free within the next week, and it has myHIGHEST personal recommendation. It is essentially an assortment of powerful, unknown techniques that have allowed average affiliates to reach a SEVEN FIGURE income level in a little over a year.
Oh - and one more thing, the price you see below is a introductory price.
The author is going to increase the price at some point in the next few days (trust me he lives up his word and did it with his last product within 72 hours, no-one knows exactly when it will happen with this one).
So, act FAST if you want to get in on this one at the ground floor:
Visit Adwords Revelation
If you are a ClickBank affiliate or an Adwords user, you need this, if you don't grab this guide and use these techniques, your competition will use them to annihilate you.
Many are already calling it the "missing link" and at this limitedprice, I can see why. Remember these are the exact methods that the Gurus been using against you finally expose right here, right now.
Without this guide you'll continue to be a broke affiliate or if you're lucky, average.
This is your Last chance to see what the future of affiliate marketing looks like:
Visit Adwords Revelation
James Howard
P.S. Remember the price will skyrocket soon, it could be tonight, tomorrow, right now there isno guaranteed. The only guaranteed is if you head over there right now, and see for yourself. You really don'twant to miss this one: Visit Adwords Revelation
Technorati Tags:
adwords-revelation, adwordsrevelation, home business
Posted by
James Howard
12:29 AM
Labels: adwords-revelation, adwords-revelation review, adwordsrevelation
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Sneaky Affiliate Cheat - Reviewed
The ultimate Affiliate Cheat? Find out if Sneaky Affiliate Cheat really does deserve its industry standard status - the absolute truth exposed, before you make your decision...
Fellow internet marketer,
Let's get something dead straight before we start.
I hate Hyped up Junk . I hate it more than you do, and I always have.
I never believe the hype of all these new products coming out these days and it was no different with this one. I had so many emails promoting this with so much hype and I was sure that not all if any of the people promoting it had even read it.
That's what bugs me the most...
So what did I do? I bought it of course...
I bought it because it did sound good (Don't they all). I didn't even bother staying on the sales page to check out the free vids you can check out if you give up your name and email, figured I would get them with the package and did.
Well, when I started going through it I was starting to think, I know this already and I have seen these methods before. Then I started thinking I know why I have seen this before it's because I have bought almost all the books out there, and these methods are proven to work, but rather than give you the methods and leave you high and dry, you get a great step by step system for choosing the right product to promote which is going to save you a lot of time and money in the long run. Instead of starting an adwords campaign or traffic campaign for a program that is not going to get you any sale, you can find great products to promote with the tools inside.
Stopping the commission thieves.
Here you will learn how you ARE having your commission stolen by thieves that do hardly any work.
Notice I didn't say MIGHT be having it stolen but Are having it stolen. The good news is there are ways to stop it and you will learn how here.
Not only will Sneaky Affiliate Cheat teach you how it is done, how to prevent it but it will also teach you how to do it yourself.
Un-ethical but amazing...
A quote from the guide below...,
Cookie Stuffing.
As I said it's unethical but not only are you going to find out how they do it and how you can do it but you are also provided with the tools to do it.
Now I have had a script that could do this for sometime but never used it, it was a case of uploading the script to my site altering this file altering that file and so on. Needless to say this is collecting cyber dust somewhere in my files.
So, is the tool provided any better?
With the tool you get provided with Sneaky Affiliate Cheat, it's just a case of downloading the file and double clicking and bingo your ready to go...
And with the detailed description of how to use it plus all the other methods you are give this has to be one of the most under priced guides out there. Believe me i've checked them.
A quick rundown of what you get:
1. How to Build Your Product Portfolio
2. Promoting Your Product
3. Sneaky Affiliate Cheats For A PPC Campaign
4. Cookie Stuffing
5. Cookie Stuffing with iframes
6. Affiliate Link Cloaking
7. Creating a Pre-Sales Page
8. Building An Opt-in List
9. List Builder Programs
10. Email Marketing
11. Article Marketing
12. How to Create an Unblockable Pop-Up
As you can see, Sneaky Affiliate Cheat is monstrous package and that's without the bonuses you get. In fact if you don't get it you're going to sorry.
I am going to do my damn best to make Sneaky Affiliate Cheat the Best package ever.
In fact, if you buy Sneaky Affiliate Cheat from the link below I will give you a Huge Bonus Package of, 30 yes 30 Master Resale Products To Help You Make Money Online.
Check out all 30 of the master resale products Here.
To get this exclusive bonus of all 30 master Resale Products (Ave. value of $37 each), there are three steps you need to take...
1. Click on the link below
2. Order Sneaky Affiliate Cheat
3. Send me your receipt - forward it to - and I will send you access instructions to the 30 master resale products, as soon as I have confirmed your order.
Click Here to Order Sneaky Affiliate Cheat AND get my 30 Master Resale Products (RRP $1115.00)
But, remember to do it fast - these products are not going to be available for much longer... and if you don't get both Sneaky Affiliate Cheat, AND my Resale Products, you are going to lose out to the competition. That much I promise..

Technorati Tags:
internet marketing, affiliate program, home business
Posted by
James Howard
8:51 PM
Labels: Sneaky Affiliate Cheat, Sneaky Affiliate Cheat Review
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
Marketing Fusion Secrets
"...Triples Your Annual Profits!"
"If You Have 3 Hours And A Computer, Then You Can Learn How You Can Increase Your Sales And Profits By A Factor of 3 Just This Year For Less Than The Price of Dinner For Two..."
Be A Fly On The Wall, While 2 'Marketing Legends In The Making' Expose Their Most Inner Business Secrets, So That You Can Walk In Their Foot Steps And Build A Profitable Powerhouse Business For Yourself.
This "secret" information you are about learn was not part of an original plan to be released to the public.
Neither Mike Filsaime nor Russell Brunson knew how much information they were going to give up to the public.
60 Minutes of no fluff, down-to-business grilling of all Russell Brunson's marketing systems and business metrics.
Followed by 60 Minutes of no fluff, down-to-business grilling of all Mike Filsaime's marketing systems and business metrics.
An Additional Bonus 60 Minutes of questions asked by paid members where anything goes as Mike and Russell release even more private data for you to use and exploit massive profits for your own business in the months and years to come.
Full Transcripts are provided for you to read at your leisure and take notes to help you profit even more from this information.
What Many Are Calling "the Information Product of the Year!"
This information Guarantees you profit instantly from this information or your money back... You have No Risk!
Visit : Marketing Fusion Secrets
Technorati Tags:
internet marketing, affiliate program, home business
Posted by
James Howard
9:35 PM
Labels: Marketing Fusion Secrets
Monday, November 26, 2007 - The Mother of All Affiliate Programs!
THE Affiliate Program to Join
If you've never heard of Russell Brunson's TheSecondTier you might wonder what all the hype is about. I've experienced a lot of affiliate programs and I got so tired of how little the companies seemed to care about me.
Russell really knows what makes an affiliate happy and delivered it. TheSecondTier is an affiliate training center that, in addition to giving affiliates generous commissions for selling high-quality products, also trains them on HOW to become a successful affiliate.
Russell's innovative two tier system means more commissions for us. Here's how it works. Say you refer one other person to
TheSecondTier and they start cranking out sales, you'll still get a commission check even if you didn't make one sale that month.
This was always the case, but recently, the site went under major renovations.
Now, with a completely redesigned user interface and more resources than ever before it is now the most important tool I use to boost my income dramatically.
I know that some people pay thousands to get into seminars where Russell teaches them how to become better affiliates and how to make more money on the web.
But this is your chance to get FREE training from the expert and make some serious profits at the same time.
Again, here is the link where you can get your own Free personal account to TheSecondTier:
And if you haven't done any internet marketing before, don't worry. After you create a Free account you'll have access to training videos that will walk you through the step-by- step process of affiliate marketing.
P.S. Check out the Affiliate Manager's Blog. Brent and Garrett are very experienced and they have been posting their training there.
Technorati Tags:
internet marketing, affiliate program, home business
Posted by
James Howard
10:20 AM
Labels: affiliate programs, best affiliate program, Russell Brunson,
Friday, November 09, 2007
Design Website Graphics - In 20 Seconds Or Less...
I'll make this quick.
Now you can point-n-click your way to create
Web 2.0 images in less than 20 seconds without
using high-end software, and take control of
your time, money or your patience!
See the type of graphics you can create here:
Design Website Graphic
This program is just....$6.97!
James Howard
P.S. There is a 100% commission affiliate program for this too :)
Design Website Graphic
Technorati Tags:
internet marketing, affiliate program, home business
Posted by
James Howard
9:40 PM
Labels: create graphic, design website graphic, easy web graphic, web graphics
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Project Payday - Realistic Extra Income for the Average Joe
Anyone tried Project Payday??
This is for USA and Canada only so I have not had the chance to try it myself.
Here's the deal, You sign up free and if you don't make money they will give you $100 but they Guarantee that you will make money in 24 hours of trying the methods they give you or that's the way it comes across. This is what the sales page says
"13 of my 14 test students - all "Average Joes" with no prior experience -
made between $200 and $2,500 in their FIRST 30 DAYS.
Since then, 1000s of people all across North America have used my step-by-step
system to make the extra income they need, working online in their spare time."
So anyone from USA or Canada, What are you waiting for? Get in now and let me know what you think of it.
Just leave some feedback in the comments section about it below, so I know if this is worth leaving on my page or if I should get rid of it now, if you have used it let me know your success/failure story too.
Technorati Tags:
internet marketing, affiliate program, home business
Posted by
James Howard
9:39 PM
Labels: earn online, free make money, free money, make money from home, project payday